Compliance in The Public Sector
Government agencies and public institutions need internal controls like a card policy or purchasing procedures to prevent fraud and misuse. After all, policies and procedures in a card program are meant to describe how public institutions should make purchase decisions when it comes to public funds. These policies play a major role in maintaining compliance. Without policies, organizations are wide open to purchasing mayhem.
Having policies is an essential first step. Knowing that employees are following them is the important next step to compliance.
Services to safeguard government spend
Government procurement requires maximum visibility into spend to protect taxpayers’ dollars from wasteful spending. When government agencies and other tax-funded organizations have advanced expense monitoring controls in place the result is a streamlined process enabling finance managers to quickly and easily find fraud or misuse of public funds.
Whether identifying red flags in expense transactions or training cardholders on card policy, Card Integrity services remain focused on communicating your policies to provide continuous reassurance of the controls you have in place.

Additional Resources and Articles
- Supplier Diversity Programs: Distinctions and How They’re Tracked
- How to Maintain and Grow Your Card Program With Low Staff
- Hitting the Audit Trail: Strengthening Controls for Internal Auditing
- Encouraging Holiday Season Policy Compliance
- Give Thanks to Compliant Cardholders This Holiday Season
- Consequences and P-Card Training